Opening times at Whitehaven Archive Centre
From Friday 26 July, Whitehaven Archives Centre will be open every Friday afternoon, from 1.30pm till 4.30pm. The opening times for Whitehaven will be: Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, 9.30am-12.30pm and 1.30pm-4.30pm.Temporary changes to services at Carlisle Archive Centre
From Wednesday 27 March 2024 we are making the following changes to production of original records:
- 48 hours' notice is required for bookings to view original records.
- Researchers wishing to view original records must provide a list 48 hours in advance.
- Any additions to lists on the day of research will be limited to three items.
- If there are no researchers booked for either the morning or afternoon session, the map room for viewing original records will be closed during this period.
- Researchers without a booking will be permitted only when the map room is already open for booked researchers.
- Drop-in researchers will be limited to three items.
- We remind all researchers that no records will be produced after 4.30pm.
There are no changes to viewing secondary sources and microfilm records - this search room will still operate on a drop-in basis.