Unitarianism first appeared in England in the 16th century and enjoyed some support during the Commonwealth period, but the doctrine was generally regarded as heretical. It was not until 1719 that a renewed debate over the existence of the Trinity brought about the fragmentation of Presbyterianism and Congregationalism in England and saw the emergence of Unitarian churches. The older Unitarian churches derived mainly from the English Presbyterians, severely weakening the latter. This was the main reason for the terms 'Presbyterian' and 'Unitarian' becoming almost synonymous in the eyes of many in the early 19th century.

The Unitarian churches are similar in organisation to the Baptists, Congregation­alists or Presbyterians, with each congregation being a separate entity, supporting its own minister and possibly belonging to a voluntary association with other Unitarian congregations.

The catalogue for records for the Kendal Unitarian Chapel (Market Place) reference WDFCU, held at Kendal Archive Centre, is available to browse online. Please contact Kendal Archive Centre for more details.