Lonsdale Battalion, Border Regiment

The 5th Earl of Lonsdale (known as the Yellow Earl) was only the second or third person in the country to be given permission by the War Office to raise a battalion of pals following the outbreak of the First World War. The fascinating accounts taken from the archives of the Lowther family, chronicle the establishment of, and recruitment for, the Lonsdale Battalion (11th Service Battalion) of the Border Regiment, together with extracts from the Battalion's official war diaries held at The National Archives. Further work on D company, recruited from West Cumberland, has examined a variety of sources. The battalion would ultimately sail for France in November 1915.
- Timeline from September 1914 to July 1918 (PDF 800KB)
- Full list of Battalion archives at Carlisle Archive (PDF 150KB)
- Subject themed listing of archive contents from September 1914 to November 1915 (PDF 525KB)
- Name index to soldiers from Lonsdale archive, September 1914 to July 1916 (PDF 417KB)
- D company: alphabetical listing (PDF,321KB)
- D company: data on men overseas 1915 (PDF 105KB)
- D company: men killed month by month (PDF 49KB)
- D company: men wounded month by month (PDF 86KB)
- D company: transfers (PDF 46KB)
- Lonsdale casualties at Nieuport (PDF 382KB)
- Alf Sidney of Workington, D company, lifeline (PDF 44KB)