An Insight into Slavery

An Insight on Slavery, 1766
'Inventory of Negroes, Cattle, Horses, etc on the estate of Sir James Lowther Bart in Barbados taken this 31st day of December 1766'
Slavery arouses passionate emotions and this simple list of names illustrates how the slaves on this Barbados sugar estate of the Sir James Lowther were categorised as his goods, along with livestock. Other archive collections at Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle contain material relating to slavery and plantation life.

Angry father's dying wish
The will of William Youngson of Bowscar, Penrith 1835 includes specific mention of the elopement of his daughter. Given the tone of the reference, Mary was not to be forgiven…
It is necessary and proper to observe that there is no mention made of my eldest Daughter Mary Youngson in this Will. It is now some years since she left her Father's house in the night and went to Gretna with one James Parker my farming servant the lowest and most profligate Blackguard whom she married after the vicious and immoral practice of that Place and when requested to return to her father's House she refused; this is therefore to declare in this my last will and testament that the said Mary Youngson and her Heirs are cut off from all participation in or succession to any part of my property personal or real.