Employees at War

The following resources give information on men and women employed in the area of Barrow-in-Furness. Further details on the original records used and these indexes can be given by Barrow Archives and Local Studies Centre.
- Barrow Borough Council employees on active military service (nearly 200 men, gives names, department, date of joining, military unit, marital status etc), compiled from Barrow Borough Council Clerk's Department records Excel 2003 (70KB) PDF (63KB)
- Barrow Insurance Committee: details of female munition worker applicants (30 women, gives name, address, former address and date of application) compiled from records at Barrow Archives reference BSHOSIC/7/7. Excel 2003 (26KB) PDF (39KB)
- Barrow unemployed men, 1920-1921 (377 men, gives name, address, occupation, whether discharged soldier or civilian and marital status) compiled from unemployment relief records at Barrow Archives. Excel 2003 (88KB) PDF (84KB)
- Furness Railway: details of female workers employed as clerks, 1916-1918 (26 women, gives names, date of birth, date entered service, department, details of leaving). Compiled from microfilms of staff register of Furness Railway held at The National Archives reference RAIL 214/102) Excel 2003 (28KB) PDF (36KB)
- Female workers employed at Vickers in industrial tasks (1240 women mainly teenagers, gives names, ages, addresses, date entered service, how employed, department, date of birth), compiled from Vickers staff registers held at Barrow Archives reference BDB 16/TD/4/2-3. Many abbreviations used (not all known), A=Airships, Buc Dk=Buccleuch Dock, C Dk=Cavendish Dock, E=Engineering, O=Ordnance, Rams Dk=Ramsden Dock, S=Shipbuilding Excel 2003 (272KB) PDF (150KB)
- Female workers employed at Vickers in non-industrial tasks (clerks, typists, timekeepers etc): gives details of 98 women - names, date entered service, how employed, department, details of leaving), compiled from Vickers staff registers held at Barrow Archives reference BDB 16/L/1499. See above entry for abbreviations used Excel 2003 (44KB) PDF (40KB)