National Curriculum using Archives

Our sources can be used creatively across the curriculum for example in drama, art, maths, science, citizenship, literacy and geography as well as in history.
Key stage 2: Cumbria Archives supports KS2 local history study "a study of an aspect of history or a site dating from a period beyond 1066 that is significant in the locality" with tailor-made workshops for individual schools
and "a study of an aspect or theme in British history that extends pupils' chronological knowledge beyond 1066" with workshops to support topics such as the First and Second World Wars, Tudors, Victorians (public health, industrial heritage, crime and punishment), and even Alfred Wainwright.
Please contact your local Archive Centre to check on the availability of particular workshops.
Key stage 3: Cumbria Archive Service can provide material to support KS3 topics such as
- the slave trade
- the industrial revolution
- social reform
- suffrage
- First World War
- the Depression
- Second World War
- post war society
The local history study provides opportunity to look at both these themes and other aspects of important local history, specific to the school's geographical area.