GCSE and A level studies using archives

Original archive sources can enhance children's learning experiences, bring topics to life and introduce students of all ages to our written heritage. Our sources can be used creatively throughout learning for example in drama, art, maths, science, citizenship, literacy, as well as history and geography.
GCSE courses
Students taking GCSE Geography can make personal visits to the Archive Centres to obtain copies of maps, census returns etc. It would be helpful to have advance notice of visits.
'A' level and College/University courses
Our resources can be used by students doing 'A' level studies and college/university coursework and dissertations. Teachers and lecturers are welcome to book group visits to the Archive Centres. If these take place at an early stage in the course they are a useful introduction to Cumbria Archives and its resources. If, later the students make individual visits to pursue personal studies they have some familiarity with the local office and can discuss their particular requirements with Archive Centre staff. Even if an 'A' level student does not have to do a personal study the group visit is still a good opportunity to see original documents, perhaps for the first time.