Archive Displays

(Pressing on the copper band. Image from a commemorative album of the visit of their Majesties the King and Queen to the Naval Construction Works, Barrow-in-Furness, Vickers Ltd, 17 May 1917, reference BDB 16/ADO/8-2)
All displays relate to Cumbria (except *) and are based around high quality images of original archives from our 4 Archive Centres. Each display consists of a number of laminated panels that can be mounted on walls/boards.
Although the displays have been produced for secondary schools they can be successfully used with younger audiences with some interpretation. Loan is free of charge but schools must arrange for the collection and return of panels to and from their local Archive Centre (Barrow, Carlisle, Kendal, or Whitehaven)
To check the availability of the panels, please contact your local Archive Centre. A number of displays for general audiences are also available here as large PDF files, where their content could be used to illustrate learning.
Themed displays can be borrowed for: (also as PDFs)
- Slave Trade (PDF, 2.9MB)
- World War I (PDF, 5.2MB)
- World War II (PDF, 5.3MB)
- Poverty in Cumbria (PDF, 2.5MB)
- 1947 William Pit Coal Mine disaster, Whitehaven (PDF 4MB)
PDFs only
- British Steel and Steelmaking in West Cumbria (PDF, 2.4MB) *
- Whitehaven and St Bees Lighthouses (PDF, 1.8MB) *
- Lady Anne Clifford 1590-1676 (PDF, 3MB) *
- Alfred Wainwright (PDF, 2MB) *
- Treasures of the Archives - 50 years of Cumbria Archive Service (PDF, 5.4MB)
- VE (Victory in Europe) Day Celebrations in West Cumberland, May-June 1945 (PDF, 2.4MB)