Cumbria Archives
Preserving and providing the historical records of Cumbria

State Management Scheme

In 1915 in an attempt to control the nation's drinking habits the Central Control Board (Liquor Traffic) was established by Order in Council.  In June 1916 in Gretna (where there was a munitions factory) and in Carlisle and district,  the Board was allowed to compulsorily purchase licensed premises and take over the running of the liquor business.  The scheme was extended to cover the Maryport area in June 1917 and by the following year covered 500 square miles and a population of 140,000.

In 1921 the Central Board was dissolved, but the Carlisle and District State Management Scheme survived and control passed to the Home Office.  Under the Home Secretary the administration consisted of the State Management Districts Council, the General Manager and local officers.

The Scheme was de-nationalised in April 1971.

Carlisle and District State Management Scheme