Conservation Advice and Expertise

The Conservation Unit has existed within the Archive Service for many years, with the purpose of preserving the many and varied archives in the keeping of Cumbria's Archive Centres and local studies libraries. The Conservation Unit in Carlisle provides a central point of access for advice and support for the preservation and conservation of historical records in Cumbria. See our handling guidelines for visitors to our archive centres.
We have two friendly conservation professionals who are skilled in the most up to date preservation and conservation techniques covering a wide range of materials including paper and parchment manuscripts, bound volumes, maps and plans, prints, photographic images on glass, paper and film, wax and shellac seals and works of art on paper.
The Conservators also have experience in preservation environments and conditions for the safe keeping of archives, and will try to direct you to useful resources for help with other items.
Conservation Unit
Cumbria Archive Centre, Carlisle
Petteril Bank House
Petteril Bank Road
Tel:01228 227252
The Conservation Unit is not open to the public on a daily basis, however, we are happy to welcome visitors by appointment.