Archives Trusts Grants

Example of a publication funded by the Curwen Archives Trust
The Curwen Archives Trust
(Charity No 256523) was established by the will of the late Captain Donald Rigg Curwen of Arnside, who died in April 1968. Under the terms of Captain Curwen's will, his residuary estate was left to Westmorland County Council upon trust to invest the capital sum and to use the income arising to supplement and advance the work of the archives service in the county "by carrying on activities for the public benefit, additional to the work which the Archives Service would normally carry out, and which the Council would normally defray out of its income from rates". The remit of the Trust is limited to activities relating to the former county of Westmorland.
The Kirby Archives Trust
(Charity No 700513) was established by trust deed in April 1984 through the generosity of a charitable foundation in America. Its remit is restricted to the Furness area of the former county of Lancashire ('Lancashire North of the Sands').
Cumbria Archives may use funds from the Trusts to acquire or preserve records within or concerning Westmorland and Furness by purchase or otherwise, or to facilitate other historical and archival work or research relating to these areas.
Grants Scheme: how to apply
Application is also open to all members of the public to seek grants from the Trusts for the following uses in regard to records relating to Westmorland, Furness or Cumbria (providing the Cumbrian element substantially includes and relates to Westmorland or Furness):
- to promote or assist research into or concerned with records relating to Westmorland or Furness
- to promote or assist the provision of lectures, talks, demonstrations, exhibitions and similar activities concerned with such records
- to promote or assist the publication of books and papers relating to aspects of history or culture of these areas of the present county of Cumbria
Grants will usually be to a maximum of £500 from any one Trust but applicants are welcome to submit applications above this limit subject to the approval of the Trustees. Applications to either or both Trusts should be made using the Trusts Grant Application Form (Word, 40KB), (PDF, 160KB). Informal enquiries may be made using the Feedback Form.